Before you do your make-up application you will need to prepare your work area, your client and yourself. This is how:
Work Area Preparation
down your work area with surgical spirit before starting and then cover the
area with couch roll. At the end of the session the area should be surgi’d
products and equipment should be set out in a logical sequence to your order of
application, face products together, eye products together, lip products
together. However your area mustn’t be cluttered
work area should be positioned appropriately close to your working hand to
avoid over-stretching
you have disposables to hand such as folded tissues, cotton buds, cotton pads,
spatulas, mascara wands and latex wedges
should be out of their roll and either placed on the table or stood up in a pot
ALL products are in place ready
for use. Resource lists are handy for
this purpose
for use. Resource lists are handy for
this purpose
a waste bin ready and in place
your work area clean and tidy
at all times – never leave used tissues,
etc, on the work area
at all times – never leave used tissues,
etc, on the work area
kit box out of the way
Self Preparation
appropriate uniform and shoes
any jewellery
to be secured back in a tight ponytail and wispy fringes secured up and away
from your face
hands prior to make-up commencement
standing posture should be comfortable using an even weight distribution to hips and feet
appropriate distance between yourself and the client should be maintained. Be
aware of personal space and not to encroach it
Client Preparation
client should be seated in the correct position to allow you to apply the make-up
with ease – no crossed legs
that she is comfortable and relaxed in order to receive maximum benefit from
the service
your client to remove earrings and necklaces and store her jewellery safely in
a container within her view
a make-up cape across the client’s shoulders to catch any loose make-up
client’s headband should be covered with tissue and ensure that her hair is
tucked away
from her face. Exceptions can be made
for client’s having come from the
hairdressers and for men
from her face. Exceptions can be made
for client’s having come from the
hairdressers and for men
your client not to be on her
mobile during the make-up application
mobile during the make-up application
Correct Positioning
• Correct
positioning of yourself and the client is important to avoid injury
• You
may not necessarily be working from a chair, couch or stool but out on location
in a field!!
• Problems
from bad posture could result in repetitive strain injury, bad back, aching
shoulders and knees, stiff joints and muscle fatigue
• Any
chairs that you use should be height adjustable to ensure a comfortable working